Posted on Tuesday, April 04, 2017
In the November Trinitarian Mother Jean wrote, “God desires healing of brokenness. That term 'brokenness' includes a full range of conditions including physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual and social issues. Any kind of brokenness creates a barrier to receiving divine grace and healing."
Many of us are using the Living Compass Living Well Through Lent 2017 as a guide for our journey through Lent. This resource uses the topic of 'Listening With All Your Heart, Soul, Strength and Mind' as its guide for various reflections. The April 3rd reflection uses the title “The Healing Power of Listening” as its focal point.
This is what the Healing prayer ministry teams do as well in their practice of healing prayer—they listen to the concerns of those who come for prayer, they try to listen to how the Holy Spirit is guiding their prayers and then they pray for and with each other for healing by God through Jesus Christ and finally they offer thanks and praise to God.
Healing Prayer can be done on a daily basis within our families too. We can make time to listen to the concerns of our children, spouse, siblings and friends and then allow some time to reflect together about how you may be being led by the Holy Spirit to pray and then simply ask Jesus to heal a particular concern or issue and then finish with a prayer of thanksgiving.
Healing in the family is important to Jesus and we can find how concerned He was about this by reading a passage in Matthew’s Gospel, “And when Jesus entered Peter’s house, he saw his mother- in-law laying sick with a fever. He touched her hand, and the fever left, and she rose and began to serve him . . . This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: He took our illnesses and bore our diseases” (ESV Matt. 8:14-17). Jesus expects and empowers us to follow his example.
Just as in listening, the more we do it the easier and the more natural it becomes for us. So also it is with praying for healing in the family. It may seem awkward at first to initiate healing prayer at home with the family, but the more we do it the easier it gets.
If you are interested in knowing more or joining this ministry please contact the church office.
Many of us are using the Living Compass Living Well Through Lent 2017 as a guide for our journey through Lent. This resource uses the topic of 'Listening With All Your Heart, Soul, Strength and Mind' as its guide for various reflections. The April 3rd reflection uses the title “The Healing Power of Listening” as its focal point.
This is what the Healing prayer ministry teams do as well in their practice of healing prayer—they listen to the concerns of those who come for prayer, they try to listen to how the Holy Spirit is guiding their prayers and then they pray for and with each other for healing by God through Jesus Christ and finally they offer thanks and praise to God.
Healing Prayer can be done on a daily basis within our families too. We can make time to listen to the concerns of our children, spouse, siblings and friends and then allow some time to reflect together about how you may be being led by the Holy Spirit to pray and then simply ask Jesus to heal a particular concern or issue and then finish with a prayer of thanksgiving.
Healing in the family is important to Jesus and we can find how concerned He was about this by reading a passage in Matthew’s Gospel, “And when Jesus entered Peter’s house, he saw his mother- in-law laying sick with a fever. He touched her hand, and the fever left, and she rose and began to serve him . . . This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: He took our illnesses and bore our diseases” (ESV Matt. 8:14-17). Jesus expects and empowers us to follow his example.
Just as in listening, the more we do it the easier and the more natural it becomes for us. So also it is with praying for healing in the family. It may seem awkward at first to initiate healing prayer at home with the family, but the more we do it the easier it gets.
If you are interested in knowing more or joining this ministry please contact the church office.
' st_image='' st_url=''>Many of us are using the Living Compass Living Well Through Lent 2017 as a guide for our journey through Lent. This resource uses the topic of 'Listening With All Your Heart, Soul, Strength and Mind' as its guide for various reflections. The April 3rd reflection uses the title “The Healing Power of Listening” as its focal point.
This is what the Healing prayer ministry teams do as well in their practice of healing prayer—they listen to the concerns of those who come for prayer, they try to listen to how the Holy Spirit is guiding their prayers and then they pray for and with each other for healing by God through Jesus Christ and finally they offer thanks and praise to God.
Healing Prayer can be done on a daily basis within our families too. We can make time to listen to the concerns of our children, spouse, siblings and friends and then allow some time to reflect together about how you may be being led by the Holy Spirit to pray and then simply ask Jesus to heal a particular concern or issue and then finish with a prayer of thanksgiving.
Healing in the family is important to Jesus and we can find how concerned He was about this by reading a passage in Matthew’s Gospel, “And when Jesus entered Peter’s house, he saw his mother- in-law laying sick with a fever. He touched her hand, and the fever left, and she rose and began to serve him . . . This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: He took our illnesses and bore our diseases” (ESV Matt. 8:14-17). Jesus expects and empowers us to follow his example.
Just as in listening, the more we do it the easier and the more natural it becomes for us. So also it is with praying for healing in the family. It may seem awkward at first to initiate healing prayer at home with the family, but the more we do it the easier it gets.
If you are interested in knowing more or joining this ministry please contact the church office.
' st_image='' st_url=''>Many of us are using the Living Compass Living Well Through Lent 2017 as a guide for our journey through Lent. This resource uses the topic of 'Listening With All Your Heart, Soul, Strength and Mind' as its guide for various reflections. The April 3rd reflection uses the title “The Healing Power of Listening” as its focal point.
This is what the Healing prayer ministry teams do as well in their practice of healing prayer—they listen to the concerns of those who come for prayer, they try to listen to how the Holy Spirit is guiding their prayers and then they pray for and with each other for healing by God through Jesus Christ and finally they offer thanks and praise to God.
Healing Prayer can be done on a daily basis within our families too. We can make time to listen to the concerns of our children, spouse, siblings and friends and then allow some time to reflect together about how you may be being led by the Holy Spirit to pray and then simply ask Jesus to heal a particular concern or issue and then finish with a prayer of thanksgiving.
Healing in the family is important to Jesus and we can find how concerned He was about this by reading a passage in Matthew’s Gospel, “And when Jesus entered Peter’s house, he saw his mother- in-law laying sick with a fever. He touched her hand, and the fever left, and she rose and began to serve him . . . This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: He took our illnesses and bore our diseases” (ESV Matt. 8:14-17). Jesus expects and empowers us to follow his example.
Just as in listening, the more we do it the easier and the more natural it becomes for us. So also it is with praying for healing in the family. It may seem awkward at first to initiate healing prayer at home with the family, but the more we do it the easier it gets.
If you are interested in knowing more or joining this ministry please contact the church office.
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