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    Praying the Psalms

    Posted on Monday, May 01, 2017

    In both Jewish and Christian traditions The Psalms has been called the prayer book of the Bible. It is a collection of prayers that has been used in worship from the time of ancient Israel up to the present. Because the psalms range so widely in emotional expression, from the heights of adoration and praise to the depths of vengeful curses against the enemy, they have special relevance to our prayer life. They teach us to hide nothing from God. Rather they speak to all that is real in our live..

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    How to Read Scripture

    Posted on Wednesday, January 11, 2017

    In order to understand a passage of Scripture, one must determine the single meaning of the passage based on the original intent of the author. Sound familiar? That's how I was taught to read Scripture, anyway. The upshot: Scripture has a single meaning—a literal one—and the task of the reader is to uncover what the author's intent was at the time that he wrote it. This is an approach that is rife with problems, to put it mildly (since when does anything have a "single meaning"? is it ..

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    Thursday Women’s Bible Begins!

    Posted on Tuesday, December 27, 2016

    Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study Group  We are a group of women gathering for Bible study and fellowship.   Our discussions are guided by reading scripture, listening for God’s voice and discerning meaning for our contemporary lives.  Each week we have the opportunity to share our inspiration and our questions -- the blessings of growing closer in our relationship with God and challenges of living into our Christian faith. This season we continue to explore the lives and testi..

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    Men’s Study Group Begins

    Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2016

    Season is just around the corner, which means that our seasonal Men’s Study Group will soon be reconvening. Father Daniel Moore will be taking on the leadership of the group this year, and has some exciting plans in store. Our group will study the Bible together, and also read several books that will prompt us to think about our experience of God, the teachings of the Church, the art of reading Scripture, and the heart of our Faith. There will be no shortage of good fodder for conversation..

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