The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Trinity-by-the-Cove’s Religious Formation for Children

Nurturing the full spiritual potential of children in an intentional, quiet, reflective environment

CGS is a unique, children’s faith formation offered at Trinity by the Cove that nurtures their full spiritual potential.

We prepare an intentional, quiet reflective environment every week, meticulously designed for each age group. This Montessori based method is individualized for each child, for their contemplation and enjoyment of God. We invite you to "Come and See" the atrium/rooms where our children gather between 10:00 and 11:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings in season. Please contact for more information.


8 months – 5 years
Meeting Jesus the Good Shepherd

Good Shepherd Atrium

ages 3-6
Falling in Love with Jesus

True Vine Atrium

ages 6-9
Growing with Jesus

Living Bread Atrium

ages 9-12
Living like Jesus

Come and See

Trinity-by-the-Cove is the only church in South Florida that offers an authentic, certified Montessori-based Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program for infants through age 12. The nursery and three Atriums are meticulously designed for each target age group. Trained and certified catechists prepare an environment every week for children to draw closer to Jesus and feel his love using materials and presentations that are individualized for each child every week.

To schedule a tour to see our Nursery and Atriums and learn more about Catechesis of the Good Shepherd please contact Julia Cizek at 239.262.6581 or via email at