
Our Youngest Children

Our Youngest Children

Maria Rogers is our Nursery Director

All children are welcome and encouraged to attend worship with their families. There is a nursery/toddler room for children age five and under if you or your young child is not comfortable in worship. Nursery care is also available for infants and children age 5 and under on request for other Parish functions.

The church also offers My Church Bags, which are activity bags for young children, to be used during the liturgies to help capture the child’s attention.

Sunday School Aged Children

Sunday School Aged Children

Julia Cizek is our CYF Coordinator and our Catechists are Meredith Brewer,  Connie Frazier, Kaydee Tuff, Susan Harris, and Jessica Caccese

Formation for children (age 3 to 5th grade) takes place on Sundays during the school year from 10:00 until 11:15. The program, called Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, is divided into three levels which correspond to the developmental stages of the children: the Good Shepherd Atrium (ages 3-5), the True Vine Atrium (ages 6-8), and the Living Bread Atrium (ages 9-10). The material is presented to small groups of one to three children and designed to guide the spiritual development of each child. The rooms, or atria, are sacred spaces for our children to walk a little closer with, and listen to, God.

Youth Group – Jr. EYC (grades 6-8)

Youth Group – Jr. EYC (grades 6-8)

David and Megan Goebel are our Youth Group leaders for Jr. EYC

The middle school youth gather on Sunday mornings during formation time for fellowship and learning. The Jr. EYC is on a three-year cycle leading up to pilgrimage and a mature profession of faith at Confirmation. The formation focuses on the three main areas of the historic catechisms: the Decalogue, the Apostles' Creed, and the Lord's Prayer. Involvement at church means more than Bible study and donuts. Opportunities for fellowship and service to the larger community are available throughout the year.

Having grown in understanding of the faith, the youth have the opportunity to go on a pilgrimage to Europe, to experience God on a journey of faith, and to learn to see life itself as a pilgrimage moving us, each day, further down the road of discipleship to our true home in God.

Youth Group – Sr. EYC (grades 9-12)

Youth Group – Sr. EYC (grades 9-12)

David and Megan Goebel are our Youth Group leaders for Sr. EYC

The transition from Jr. to Sr. EYC is the movement from learning the faith to living the faith. Sunday formation is structured around what it means to live the faith they profess and, taking seriously God's call to "do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God," focuses on justice, service, and prayer. After three years of discussion and Bible study, seniors are invited to discern their gifts and empowered to take a leadership role in a suitable ministry at Trinity.

Whereas the Jr. EYC focuses on understanding and owning the faith in preparation for Confirmation, the Sr. EYC focuses on putting that faith into action in their own lives, in the community, and in the world.