Mom’s Morning Out

Posted on Friday, November 18, 2022

Mom's Morning Out opens up the church nursery on Tuesdays, from 9am - Noon, for up to eight children (ages 8 months to 5 years old). The best part? This is offered free of charge. The program will operate according to two semesters, with a 12-week session in the fall, and a 12-week session in the spring. There will be two child care workers in the nursery who will actively engage with the children, facilitate interaction and play, and organize a snack time. If you are interested in this pr..

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Youth News

Posted on Thursday, August 03, 2017

Youth News

On Saturday, July 22, parents and youth helped out the ladies who make and sell mango chutney at the annual Christmas Market. Jenny Anton, of the ladies group, asked Fran Sills, chairperson of the Children Youth and Family Council, to help with a neighborhood harvest. Fran and Jeff Sills along with 5 parents and 6 youths collected 3 boxes of mangoes! Best Mango pickers in Naples! The proceeds from the Christmas Market, held in November, are allocated to those in our community less fortunate..

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Spend time in the produce aisle

Posted on Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Spend time in the produce aisle

The produce aisle in your grocery store can be a place of prayer: it all goes back to Latin. You can learn a lot from Latin! Rogare when translated from Latin into English means to ask. For generations Christians have observed Rogation Days—days when we ask God to give us thankful hearts and praise God for the blessings of the earth (seedtime and harvest). There are prayers now for commerce and industry too. One way to pray in life is to keep God on your mind all day long. Doing that with a..

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Spreading The Good News (For Real.)

Posted on Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Spreading The Good News (For Real.)

Our Mission Statement begins by saying, “The mission of Trinity-by-the-Cove is to spread the Good News of the Gospel...” Episcopalians are not known for our Evangelism. In fact, we dread the “e-word.” Our reticence is not unreasonable. The lesson that many of us learned as children not to discuss politics and religion has made many a meal with friends and family enjoyable, when they could have been unpleasant. Our resistance to the “e-word” is also a sign of respect for others. We..

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How our Communion is Different

Posted on Wednesday, May 24, 2017

How our Communion is Different

One of the outcomes of the Sixteenth Century Reformation in Europe was that Catholic Christendom was shattered into a number of Confessional Churches. Each branch of the Protestant movement came up with their own Confession of Faith. Lutherans had the Augsburg Confession. Calvinists had the Confession of the Synod of Dort. Even Catholics had the pronouncements of the Council of Trent. Each Confession was like the Platform of a political party. It stated the “party line” on every issue of dis..

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Praying the Psalms

Posted on Monday, May 01, 2017

Praying the Psalms

In both Jewish and Christian traditions The Psalms has been called the prayer book of the Bible. It is a collection of prayers that has been used in worship from the time of ancient Israel up to the present. Because the psalms range so widely in emotional expression, from the heights of adoration and praise to the depths of vengeful curses against the enemy, they have special relevance to our prayer life. They teach us to hide nothing from God. Rather they speak to all that is real in our live..

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Men of Trinity

Posted on Friday, April 07, 2017

Men of Trinity

You are not too late to enjoy another in season Men of Trinity breakfast before we move to our summer “headquarters”!  On Monday, April 10th,  at 8 am in the parish hall, Father Edward will speak to the Men of Trinity and share his vision for the future as well as review the church season.  This end of season up-date is proving to be one of our more popular breakfasts before many of us head back up north.  With all the great things going on at Trinity-by-the-Cove, why not stop in for a m..

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Healing Ministry

Posted on Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Healing Ministry

In the November Trinitarian Mother Jean wrote, “God desires healing of brokenness. That term 'brokenness' includes a full range of conditions including physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual and social issues. Any kind of brokenness creates a barrier to receiving divine grace and healing." Many of us are using the Living Compass Living Well Through Lent 2017 as a guide for our journey through Lent. This resource uses the topic of 'Listening With All Your Heart, Soul, Strength and Min..

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