2025 Annual Pledge


“This is another day, O Lord. I know not what it will bring forth, but make me ready, Lord, for whatever it may be. If I am to stand up, help me to stand bravely. If I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly. If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently. And if I am to do nothing, let me do it gallantly. Make these words more than words, and give me the Spirit of Jesus.”
Prayer Book, page 461

  • Caring

    Caring for one another at Trinity-by-the-Cove involves pastoral care. Our clergy seek to walk with all members in their joys and sorrows, offering prayer, spiritual direction, pre-marital instruction, baptismal instruction, support during relationship challenges, and presence at times of crisis.

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  • Communication

    In caring for one another, communication is essential. Please call the church office and let us know if you or someone dear to you is in need of special prayers, a conversation, or any other need our support.

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