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Trinity’s harpsichord was built in 1983 by Hill & Tyre. The instrument is a single manual copied from the Italian tradition, with two 8’ strings as well as a buff stop.

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Pipe Organ

Trinity-by-the-Cove has recently commissioned a new organ from Dobson Pipe Organ Builders to replace the former organ that was damaged by Hurricane Ian in September 2021. Click here to view the campaign brochure and proposed organ specification.

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The Antique Organ

The Antique Organ dates from the 18th century. The builder is unknown. Three members of the Friederici family of instrument-builders of Gera, Germany, signed their names on an interior part of the organ, dated 1751. Evidence suggests that it was rebuilt by them that year, which would make the organ about 300 years old.

Art experts from the Victoria and Albert museum in London have dated the paintings on the case at1700 or earlier. The organ, which plays on the original mechanical action, comprises 181 pipes of wood and metal. Two pedals lift the tops of two large wedge bellows, thus providing wind pressure as the bellows are forced back down by 25 pounds of lead weights.

Trinity-by-the-Cove acquired the organ in 2013. The stoplist is: Gedeckt 8’, Gamba 8’ Stopped Flute 4’, Principal 2’. The keyboard’s compass is 48 notes (four octaves from 8’ C, without the low C#). All stops are full compass, except the Gamba, which shares a common bass with the Gedeckt. The organ has been employed in services and concerts with choir, strings and harpsichord, performing music by Sweelinck, Tallis, Handel and Mozart.

The Calliope The-Calliope-1

The Calliope

The Calliope was built for Trinity-by-the-Cove by the Miner Calliope Company of Kirksville, Missouri. It is air-driven, and has forty-three solid brass whistles, with a chromatic compass beginning at F below middle C. It plays on static wind pressure, directly from the blower, on twenty inches of wind, and can be heard from a great distance. It can be played from the keyboard (the key action is mechanical), or by an automatic player mechanism with a perforated paper roll. It is played outdoors on special occasions.